As always the assembly is an important moment for all the students in the school, it’s an occasion to have fun with friends and play against other classes.
The HOCO assembly is going to be more competitive than the normal assemblies because, after the results of the Hall Painting Competition, Powder Puff and Powder Tuff, every class wants to earn extra points.
As in every other assembly it started with the national anthem, sung by the school choir, after that Tylie Hancock, senior and SBO, continued by presenting every game and every guest of the HOCO assembly.
The students had the opportunity to listen to a class of 2004 graduate, who shared with everyone her memories from her last homecoming football game and invited everyone to cheer for the school team.
The 3 games that have been played gave points to juniors, seniors and sophomores and the current ranking puts Senior first, Juniors second, Sophomores third and Freshmen last, but there will still be time to gain some extra points during the year with the different activities that the SBO presents.
Between the games the time was filled by extraordinary exhibitions, such as the country-style show put on by the drill team, or the breathtaking performance of the school cheerleaders squad.
The assembly ended as always with the school song sung by everybody in the gym and with the music of the school band.