Spirit Week- Fantasy Worlds

The crowd goes wild! The seniors take the win during the Spirit Assembly on Friday. After a close race with the sophomores all year, they finally pulled off the top spot and walked away with the spirit trophy. 


“My favorite part of spirit week is always the assembly,” said Kallie Kelly, staff member, “everyone is just so happy to be there and excited to watch all the excitement go down.”


It was a full week of after school activities, daily dress ups, and decorations for days.


“It was an exhausting week, but I’m kinda sad it’s already over! I wish we could do this every week,” said Olivia Richardson, freshman. 


But as fun as the assembly is, a big portion of the class points came from the dress ups. 

Monday- Zoom IRL

Tuesday- Stoplight

Wednesday- Bikers vs. Surfers

Thursday- Perfect Pair

Friday- Class Colors


“I really liked the zoom day. It was funny to see everyone dressed up. And the kids that did it got really into it,” said Ms. Peterson, staff member. 


“Stoplight day just creates lots of funny drama. I love the class color day though, it creates a lot of unity between the classes,” said Mrs. Silva, staff member. 


While many were drained at the end of the week from all the chaos, it was a bittersweet moment to watch it go by. Not only were we saying goodbye to the last spirit week of the year, the seniors were saying goodbye to the last spirit week they’ll ever have. 


“I’m not ready for it to all be over. I never thought this day would come. This was definitely one of the harder things to say goodbye to. Next up, graduation!” said Emmaline Anderson, Senior Class Secretary. 


But the fight isn’t quite yet over for the Juniors who took third this year! With determination coursing through their veins, they’re planning to come out with a bang next year!


“Bring on HOCO week,” said Skylar Ekins, junior, “we’re ready for it! We’re taking the win next year!”